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Coconut oil substitute: Grass-fed ghee butter is a safe choice

  • August 7, 2021
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Coconut oil Substitute: Count on ghee clarified butter

Coconut oil Substitute: finding a cooking fat that is healthy and safe

Coconut oil substitute means we need to find a cooking fat that is as nutritious as coconut oil, safe for cooking, and offers some nutritional advantages.

But before we see a coconut oil substitute, let’s check first what makes coconut oil a popular choice for cooking. But even before that, we must understand why cooking oil or fat is essential for healthy cooking.

Coconut oil substitute: What is the utility of using cooking fat?

Fats are essential for absorbing vital nutrients like vitamins A, D, E, and K. It keeps our heart healthy. It supplies a different level of nutritional support to our bodies. Healthy oils are high in antioxidants, and their high smoke point helps us stay away from the free radicals in the body that prevent the risk of cancer. 

Coconut oil: What makes it so popular for cooking?

As the name implies, Coconut oil is taken from the kernel of matured coconuts. It is the primary commercial product of coconut.

It is a versatile oil with a high smoke point (350°– 400° F). It is stable enough, which is why it is recycled for high-temperature cooking like baking, deep-frying, slow cooking, etc. 

In short:

  • It has a high smoking point, thus ideal for high-heat cooking, roasting, and baking.
  • The herbal oil is digestion-friendly.
  • It has the natural moisturizing quality and hence works fine for maintaining skin and hair if added to the diet.   
  • It contains MCT, thus great for lowering abdominal fat/ natural weight loss on moderate consumption.
  • Due to the presence of MCTs, coconut oil has antimicrobial and antifungal properties.
  • Coconut oil is rich in saturated fat. It may help increase HDL cholesterol through moderate consumption and a healthy lifestyle. 

coconut oil substitute

Controversies: Does Coconut oil affects health positively? Is it a healthy oil? Why do we look for a coconut oil substitute?

Many controversies exist regarding the advantages and disadvantages of using coconut oil daily. Considering the high saturated fat content (about 90%), coconut oil may not be a healthy choice, especially for CVD risk reduction. On the other hand, antimicrobial and antifungal properties that benefit health and well-being are needed to check in a good coconut oil substitute. 

  • Coconut oil is high in saturated fat (around 90%).  Overdose of saturated fat in the diet is unhealthy because it may raise “bad” (LDL) low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and increase cardiovascular disease risk. Consumption of coconut oil increases serum cholesterol concentration. 
  • A common allusion about coconut oil is rich in Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFAs) (60% of total fatty acids). The gastrointestinal tract rapidly absorbs medium-chain fatty acids. It is an essential source of energy. It does not get stored in adipose tissue. 
  • According to a study by the University of Cambridge, about half of the total fatty acids of coconut oil are composed of Lauric acid (about 42%). However, Lauric acid, chemically categorized as MCFA, acts like long-chain fatty acids. It is re-esterified to triacylglycerol and either metabolized for energy or stored in adipose tissue. 
  • Moreover, about 25% of coconut oil fat consists of long-chain saturated fatty acids (myristic acid (14:0) and palmitic acid (16:0)). All these together may increase body fatness on regular consumption of coconut oil.
  • Some studies suggest that the coconut possesses antimicrobial and antifungal properties due to the presence of MCT (42% lauric acid, 7% caprylic acid, and 5% capric acid). It can counter pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and yeast. The feature gives coconut oil a health-friendly immunity-boosting property.  
  • Because of the immunity-boosting quality, it is apprehended that coconut oil may reduce inflammation in body organs. Besides improving immune power, it can help in cognitive function too. 

Several clinical trials on the impact of coconut oil have concluded that coconut oil had no significant effect on easing inflammation, improving glucose homeostasis, and reducing adiposity.

So the critical concern is, what is a good coconut oil substitute?

Coconut oil substitute
Coconut oil substitute

What is ghee clarified butter?

Ghee is the finest and most clarified form of milk fat commonly used in cooking in India and the Middle East. It has attracted the limelight recently in the course of balanced diets due to its nutritional benefits.

It has a typical Nutty aroma, slightly caramelized color, and creamy texture.  Being quality assured fat, ghee is inert to microbial spoilage. Moreover, low moisture content (less than 0.3%) gives it long shelf life.

Therefore, it can be stored for up to 18 months without refrigeration in your pantry.

Grass-fed ghee contains not less than 99.6% fat.  It contains healthy fat and vitamins essential for the human body.

These are saturated fats, mainly short-chain fatty acids like butyrate and medium-chain fatty acids, Omega 3, essential fatty acids like linolenic acid and arachidonic acid, carotenoids, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. 

Moreover, ghee contains no lactose and casein as milk solids get removed in its preparation process. Therefore, it is mostly free from the risk of allergy to lactose and casein.

It is safe for individuals suffering from dairy allergies. It is a healthy choice for health-conscious people following the Keto or Paleo diet.

It contains a higher concentration of fat-soluble vitamins, CLA, loads of butyric acid or butyrate, and beta carotene (green grass feed of cows) when prepared from Grass-fed or Organic cow’s milk-butter/cream.

 The benefits of ghee clarified fat (ghee benefits):

benefits of ghee clarified fat (ghee benefits)

The nutritional advantage of grass-fed cow ghee) is versatile. You can use it for all cooking types, including low-heat cooking, high-temperature cooking, raw consumption, etc.

  • Ghee in the diet takes care of health system detoxification. The CLA content and butyrate content of grass-fed ghee stand responsible for it. Ghee in the diet can flush toxins out of the body and keeps the digestive system clean. Ghee clarified butter promotes digestion.
  • A moderate quantity of ghee in the diet helps in natural weight loss.
  • Clarified butter contributes to developing brain health, bone health, eye care, skincare, and hair care.
  • The butyrate content of grass-fed ghee takes care of constipation, IBS problem, etc. 
  • The high smoke point of ghee (482 degrees F) makes it extremely suitable for high-heat cooking, baking, frying, sautéing, and roasting. It makes ghee safer cooking fat than olive oil, canola oil, etc.
  • Ghee can be consumed as a spread on morning toasts or added to coffee or other beverages.
  • Ghee works as a healthy taste enhancer. It enhances the taste and flavor of food when added as a seasoning or used as cooking oil. 
  • It is suitable for followers of Paleo and ketogenic diets (high fat, low-carb diets).
  • It is suitable for individuals allergic to dairy products.

Ghee clarified butter vs. coconut oil: similarity and differences

Matches: If we compare coconut oil and ghee-clarified butter for cooking, we will find some similarities like:

  • Both contain MCTs, which may help with natural weight loss programs: both are Keto-friendly.
  • It is assumed that if a healthy lifestyle is maintained, both coconut oil and ghee in cooking can help as an immunity booster.
  • Both are digestion-friendly and help maintain a reasonable metabolism rate in the body.
  • Both have therapeutic benefits. 

Differences: Concerning Ghee nutrition, ghee clarified butter (grass-fed or organic) is superior to coconut oil, an apt coconut oil substitute. 

When ghee is consumed in moderation,  it imparts several health benefits for consumers. 

Ghee, coconut oil substitute: ghee’s unique benefits

  • Ghee clarified butter contains around 62% saturated fat, less than coconut oil (90%). Excessive saturated fat in coconut oil increases lousy LDL cholesterol concentration in the human body over regular consumption.
  • Ghee clarified butter contains loads of butyric acid or butyrate. It is the primary short-chain fatty acid in ghee. Its medicinal support is known for improving the digestive system, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), decreased inflammation, diabetes, etc.
  •   Moderate ghee in the diet is beneficial for reducing the irritation of chronic constipation. In contrast, coconut oil does not contain butyric acid.
  • MUFA content in ghee clarified butter is around 28.7%, whereas coconut oil contains about 6%.   According to Dairy research, MUFA is considered healthy as it helps in biochemical processes associated with nerves, the brain, the heart, digestion, and cell maintenance. Hence ghee is a better coconut oil substitute.
  • Unlike coconut oil, ghee clarified butter is rich in fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamin A and E content of ghee is around 3069 IU/100g and 2.8 mg/100g, respectively. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are essential for immunity, healthy skin and hair, improved eyesight, and calcium metabolism in the human body, making it a safe coconut oil substitute. 
  • Ghee clarified butter is rich in beta-carotene, the antioxidant and the precursor for vitamin A in the human body. Vitamin A is essential for retina function.
  • Ghee clarified butter is rich in omega-three fatty acids, beneficial to the heart, brain, eye, and other tissue functions, and has anti-inflammatory properties. Omega 3 is a proven supplement to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Coconut oil has some omega-six fatty acids but does not contain omega-three fatty acids. Ghee is an impovd coconut oil substitute. 
  • Ghee butterfat is the highest natural conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) source. It is essential for immunity enhancement, increasing lean mass of the body, and anti-inflammatory properties in the human body. In comparison, several studies have concluded that coconut oil had no significant effect on easing inflammation or reducing adiposity. 
  • Ghee clarified butter contains short- and medium-chain fatty acids, which can be rapidly oxidized, thus less conducive to fat deposition. In contrast, Coconut oil contains Lauric acid (42% of total fatty acids), which acts like long-chain fatty acid biologically. Moreover, 25% of coconut fat consists of long-chain saturated fatty acids, i.e., myristic acid (14:0) and palmitic acid (16:0). This creates a problem with the fat stored in the body and results in body fatness.  Ghee is a coconut oil substitute but not vice versa.
  • Ghee clarified butter helps in metabolism and balances high blood sugar. At the same time, coconut oil had no significant effect on improving glucose homeostasis.

Grass-fed Organic ghee has immense importance in Indian Ayurveda.

It is used in Ayurvedic medicines or treatments or applied as a natural remedy for several health problems for centuries.

Ayurvedic medicine is globally acclaimed for its treatment of natural rejuvenation.

  • According to Ayurveda, Grass-fed organic ghee acts as a natural cleanser of the body. Regular practice of this ghee remedy will keep the digestive system clean. 
  • Coconut oil cleanses have become popular, but no evidence links them or any other detox regimens to improved health.
  • It is used in various ayurvedic medicines as a significant ingredient. This is because it acts as a carrier and improves the absorption and assimilation of ayurvedic drugs in the human body.
  • The combo of Grass-fed ghee and cow milk is one of the best ayurvedic medicines that help retain physical vigor, improve virility in men, and increase fertility in women.
  • Ghee clarified butter is identified as a wholesome, nourishing dairy. This is why it is prescribed for pregnant women in their diet to avoid the risk of malnutrition of the fetus.
  • In Ayurvedic treatment, Grass-fed ghee clarified butter is prescribed for regular eye care. Ghee in the diet helps maintain eye health and prevent degenerative eye diseases, which is quality-wise a better coconut oil substitute. 

Ghee: why is it a better coconut oil substitute?

Ghee clarified butter is a nutritious coconut oil substitute in cooking. You can use ghee in a coconut oil recipe, but you can hardly use coconut oil in a ghee recipe. Ghee is a healthy and versatile coconut oil substitute, but coconut oil is not a substitute for premium ghee. 

  • Ghee clarified butter has a high smoke point (482 degrees F) than coconut oil (350- 400 degrees F), making it a better choice for high-heat cooking, frying, baking, etc.
  • Ghee clarified butter has a characteristic aroma and taste; these give it worldwide acceptance as a cooking essential. The sweet taste and oily flavor of coconut oil sometimes overpower food flavor. Instead, the nutty taste and caramelized ghee aroma significantly improve cooked food’s taste.
  • Ghee clarified butter is used in seasoning food to increase the flavor and taste of various recipes from world cuisines. At the same time, coconut oil is used mainly in tropical cooking recipes. 
  • Grass-fed ghee is quintessential for Indo-Asian and Middle Eastern cuisines.

Thus, ghee clarified butter can be a healthy, flavorsome, versatile, and nutritious replacement for coconut oil. A healthy coconut oil substitute. 

The nutritional benefits and therapeutic properties of its healthy fats and fat-soluble vitamins will further increase its use among consumers. 

Premium ghee is a healthy coconut oil substitute and is more shelf-stable than coconut oil. The storage friendliness of ghee is an advantage over using coconut oil in a kitchen.

Coconut oil substitute: How to replace coconut oil with ghee in cooking

  • You can use ghee as a Coconut oil substitute while baking a cake.  You can try Grass-fed Ghee as a healthy substitute for coconut oil in baking, adding taste and ghee benefits in one go.
  •  Now you may wonder how to substitute coconut oil for butter. You can easily use clarified butter as a coconut oil substitute in making bulletproof coffee.
  • While ghee adds a creamy taste and feel, coconut may leave an oily texture to the coffee. Hence, ghee is a better replacement, as many Keto diet followers feel.  
  • Ghee offers better seasoning, while coconut oil may not work well as a seasoning for your salads. In the deep-frying process, ghee offers a higher smoking point than coconut oil; hence, it is a healthy replacement or a coconut oil substitute.   
  • The smoke point of unrefined coconut oil is 350 ° F. In contrast, premium organic or grass-fed ghee offers 482° F, a  reason to call ghee a good coconut oil substitute.
  • Processed coconut oil provides a higher smoke point of about 400°F. Still, the catch is the health benefits of coconut oil are available primarily from its unprocessed variety.

Ghee, A coconut oil substitute: Summing up:

Even though Coconut oil was a widespread choice, recently, coconut oil substitute is in high demand. Health freaks preferred this oil due to its MCT oil content, high smoking point, and high calorie count. But it has some disadvantages too. 

  • Overdose of saturated fats may cause cardiac diseases if moderation is not maintained. 
  • It is also not shelf-friendly and is not perfect for versatile use in cooking.

These are the premium reasons food freaks often look for a coconut oil substitute, so they prefer to use ghee-clarified butter for their cooking needs instead of using unsalted dairy butter or coconut oil, or olive oil.

However, you may consider using premium grass-fed organic ghee as coconut oil substitute.

  • High quality Ghee is a tastier and more nutritious choice over coconut oil. Modern dieticians call it a super-food, considering its beneficial effects and therapeutic usage.
  • Ghee contains less saturated fat than coconut oil. The significant saturated fat in ghee is butyrate. Butyrate is known for its health support. Coconut oil does not contain butyrate, which makes ghee a better-quality coconut oil substitute. 
  • It contains more omega-3, which is known to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In contrast, Coconut oil does not contain omega-3.
  • Unlike Coconut oil, ghee is rich in fat-soluble vitamins. 
  • It is suitable for individuals with dietary restrictions (lactose intolerant/ allergic to casein)
  • It is suitable for high-temperature cooking.
  • Moderate consumption of ghee-clarified butter and a healthy lifestyle improves immunity and memory power, raises energy levels, provides a rejuvenating effect to the body, improves skin and hair, etc. It usually does not impose any harmful impact on people’s general health.

Milkio Grass-fed ghee: a wise choice for a coconut oil substitute

  • Try Milkio grass-fed ghee, manufactured by Milkio Foods, New Zealand using the finest ingredients, and traditional ghee making process. Milkio grass-fed ghee is all-purpose and does not contain lactose, casein, and gluten.
  • The ghee offers an intense nutty feel-good aroma, rich, creamy texture, and versatility, making it a superfood for the kitchen.
  • Milkio Ghee is a carb, sugar-free product safe for the consumption of lactose intolerants and casein sensitives. It is keto and paleo diet-friendly. 
  • Milkio ghee offers a high smoke point. It is shelf-stable dairy oil you can store in the kitchen at room temperature for up to 18 months from the manufacturing date. To buy Milkio ghee, please check the Milkio website for product specifications, and/or sales assistance.

Note: This content is intended for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional before significantly changing your diet or lifestyle.

Nithya Neelakantan, Jowy Yi Hoong Seah, Rob M. van Dam. The Effect of Coconut Oil Consumption on Cardiovascular Risk Factors, A Systematic Review, and Meta-Analysis of Clinical Trials,
https://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.043052 Circulation. 2020;141:803–814
R A Matulka 1, O Noguchi, N Nosaka., Safety evaluation of a medium- and long-chain triacylglycerol oil produced from medium-chain triacylglycerols and edible vegetable oil.
Food Chem Toxicol 2006 Sep;44(9):1530-8. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2006.04.004. Epub 2006 Apr 25

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