
Grass-fed ghee is unique for its higher nutritional potency. You can use it in many ways, like cooking oil, a butter alternative in the diet, and therapeutic oil to relieve some health disorders.

Grass-fed ghee boosts wellness and recovery from some ailments with prescribed medicines.

Ghee is adaptable and can pair with all herbs and spices. It is a natural taste enhancer and, when taken as food, can boost the adsorption power of the body.

Ghee is extensively used in Ayurvedic medicinal preparations because of its unique ability to assimilate the properties of herbs it is melded with without giving down its therapeutic qualities.

For instance, if ghee gets blended with an herb, it hardly lets go of its typical oily, therapeutic nature.  Ayurveda considers honey to be the best in this regard, but honey cannot be heated. But as ghee offers a high smoke point, heating ghee is a safer option, even for medicinal uses.

Therefore wherever Ayurveda preparations require heating, Grass Fed Ghee is favored as the best ingredient.

The daily doses of ghee can melt the toxins soluble in lipids and expel them to the alimentary tract for purging by purification procedures. With recurring contaminated inner and outer environments, Ayurveda offers a unique way to remove these harmful fat-soluble substances.

Ghee contains butyrate in the form of butyric acid, a short-chain fatty acid. The presence of this fatty acid in ghee is accountable for several ghee qualities like

This potential but harmless way to detox the body merits further research. Some of the Ayurvedic remedies with ghee are narrated here :

  • Pour lukewarm ghee into nostrils, and it will stop a nosebleed,
  • Inhale the aroma of Grass-Fed ghee; it will help you to control nausea,
  • Take milk and Milkio’s Grass Fed ghee at bedtime to reduce the irritation of irregular bowel movements.
  • Apply ghee on your chapped lips and cracked ankles. It will heal the skin’s roughness in a jiffy.
  • Try lukewarm Milkio ghee and black pepper powder if you have a cold and sore throat. You will get instant relief.
  • Massage Milkio’s Grass-Fed Ghee at the head for better hair growth and natural dandruff prevention.